JKU International Master's Program Informatics
at the Softwarepark Hagenberg
Student Master's Projects of the JKU International Masters Study Informatics
As part of the graduation ceremony of the JKU International Masters Study Informatics at Softwarepark Hagenberg at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz each student has prepared a display of their work. The projects range from computer science topics to mathematics. View the photos!
Identity and Access Management - Maha Aburahama
Enhancing 3D Modeling Software for Inline Quality Control - Alex Danila
Solving Production Problems using Tabu Search Metaheuristic - Alexandra Jimboreanu
GRASP with Path Relinking for Short Term Production Planning - Plamen Alexandrov
Re-Engineering a Grid Aware Medical Database based on a Metamodel - Amira Zaki
Integrating a Formal Specification Test Coverage information in Source Code Search - Eszter Tasi
Evaluation of a Cluster Middleware in a Heterogenous Computing Environment - Stefan Georgiev
Evaluation of the Implementation Method of an Information Security Management System - Dina Helmy
Integrating SVN Information with Source Code Analysis in Enterprise Search - Rami Henein
Problem Diagnosis in Large Scale Computing Environments - Ioana Iacob
Unit Testing Environment - Kamen Goranchev
Bend Part Template Catalogue - Mikhail Kozhevnikov
Text Integrated Similarity Retrieval Using Latent Semantic Analysis - Plamen Kozhuharov
Concept, Implementation and Design of a Software Cockpit - Stefan Larndorfer
Automated Testing for KeStudio - Marlien Nekhela
Valuation of Barrier Option by Simulation - Nataliya Ramzina
Bending a Sequence Optimization of Metal Sheets - Amr Noureldin
Problem Diagnosis in Large Scale Computing Environments - Olimpiu Pop
Infrastructure of a Knowledge Base for Optimization Algorithms - Anna Simon
Visualization and Clustering Workflows in the Fire Fighting Domain - Mohamed Wagdy Saleh
Symbolic Computation for Parameterized Wavelets in SAGE - Le Wang
Fourier Analysis and Local Fourier Analysis for Multigrid Methods - Yao Zhou
Interactive Tools for Inspecting Proofs in Theorema - Zsuzsanna Sinka
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Concept, layout: Rise2Reality