JKU International Master's Program Informatics
at the Softwarepark Hagenberg
Areas of Specialization

The areas of specialization in the JKU International Master's Study Informatics are best reflected by the research areas of the professors at the following JKU institutes:
- Institute of Application Oriented Knowledge Processing (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner; Location: TNF-Tower, 7th floor and Software Park 35, 4232 Hagenberg)
- Institute of Bio-Informatics (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Sepp Hochreiter; Location: TNF-Tower, 7th floor)
- Institute of Computational Perception (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Gerhard Widmer; Location: TNF-Tower, 7th floor)
- Institute of Computer Architecture (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Volker Strumpen; Location: TNF-Tower, 6th floor)
- Department of Applied Systems Research and Statistics (Department Head: a.Univ.Prof. Dr. Werner Pölz; Location: TNF-Tower, 6th floor)
- Institute of Computer Graphics (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Oliver Bimber; Science Park, 3rd floor)
- Institute of Formal Models and Verification (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Armin Biere; Location: TNF-Tower, 7th floor)
- Institute of Information Processing and Microprocessor Technology (Head of Institute: o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Jörg Mühlbacher; Location: TNF-Tower, 6th floor)
- Institute of Integrated Circuits (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof.in Dr.in Gabriele Kotsis; Location: Hochschulfonds Building, 2nd floor)
- Institute of Pervasive Computing (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Alois Ferscha; Location: Physics Building, 1st floor)
- Institute of Systems Engineering and Automation (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Alexander Egyed; Location: TNF-Tower, 7th floor)
- Institute of Systems Software (Head of Institute: o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Mössenböck; Location: Hochschulfonds Building, 3rd floor)
- Institute of Telecooperation (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof.in Dr.in Gabriele Kotsis; Location: TNF-Tower, 9th floor)
- Institute of Symbolic Computation (RISC) (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Peter Paule; Location: Schloss Hagenberg, 1st floor, 4232 Hagenberg)
- Institute of Knowledge-based Mathematical Systems (FLLL - Fuzzy Logic Laboratory Linz-Hagenberg) (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Erich Peter Klement; Location: Science Park II, 6th floor and Softwarepark 21, 4232 Hagenberg)
- Institute of Didactics in Mathematics (Head of Institute: Univ.Prof. Dr. Markus Hohenwarter; Location: Science Park II, 3rd floor)